Methamphetamine Fact Sheet
Coast to Forest Resources
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What is Methamphetamine?
- Methamphetamine is an extremely addictive man-made stimulant1
- In 2020, 2.6 million people ages 12+ reported using Methamphetamine at least once2
- From 2019-2020 Oregon had the highest rate of methamphetamine use in the United States3
- In Oregon, methamphetamine is involved in 49% of overdose deaths4
Intended use
- Known as Desoxyn®, it has limited approved usage for ADHD and weight loss treatments1
Common names
- Chalk, Crank, Crystal, Glass, Ice, Meth, Shards, and Speed2
- Ground white powder that is snorted up the nose2
- Pill/tablet2
- Dissolved powder that is injected into the bloodstream2
- Blue crystals that can be smoked1
How Methamphetamine works
- Consumption is believed to release a high level of dopamine into parts of the brain responsible for feeling and pleasure regulation1
- When smoked or injected it results in a short, intense rush1
- When snorted or taken orally it results in a longer high1
Short term health effects
- Decreased fatigue, hyperthermia, increased blood pressure, focus, physical activity, and wakefulness; loss of appetite, rapid breathing, and rapid or irregular heartbeat2
Long term health effects
- Addiction, aggressive and/or violent behavior, changes in the brain's structure and/or function, insomnia, impaired verbal learning, loss of memory, psychosis (paranoia, hallucinations, repetitive motor functions), reduced motor speed, skin sores, and tooth decay2
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Intense cravings1
Given the symptoms of withdrawal, a person may need medical supervision to ensure their safety during the process.5
- High doses can result in stroke, heart attack, severe organ problems from hyperthermia, and ultimately death1
Addiction treatment
- Behavioral therapies such as CBT or Contingency Management1
- Currently there are no medications specifically designed for the treatment of Methamphetamine withdrawal, but such medications are in development1
This fact sheet was developed by the Oregon State University Coast to Forest team, a collaboration of the College of Health, OSU Center for Health Innovation and OSU Extension Service Family & Community Health program. We would like to thank the H 310 Health Field Experience students for their contributions.
For more information and to explore local resources, check out the Coast to Forest County-Specific Resource Guides.